gamescom asia brings together the breadth of Southeast Asia's gaming industry and its fans. From AAA games and indie titles to guest appearances, cosplay, esports excellence, online shows, and so much more, the next edition of gamescom asia takes place from 17 - 20 October 2024 in Singapore and is expected to attract over 150 exhibitors and 40,000 visitors from Asia Pacific and beyond.

Let's Build a Zoo
大人気シミュレーションゲームは今Nintendo Switch, XboxやSteamで発売中!
さあ、動物園を作る時間だ! この可愛らしくも自由で奥が深い経営シミュレーションで、自分だけの動物王国を作ってみよう! 珍しい生き物の展示と繁殖、適切なスタッフの雇用、来園者の満足度の維持、そして奇妙でワンダフルなイベントの数々を同時にこなしていこう。 凜々しく壮大なキリンや平和的なパンダフクロウなど、30万種類以上もの生き物を作り出そう!
『レッツ・ビルド・ア・ズー』では、世界中のさまざまな動物たちをパークに連れて来ることが可能。 動物を育てて繁殖しながら、動物園の規模を大きくして賑やかにしていこう。でもそんなやり方は性に合わない……そんな方は、自らの手でユニークな動物を作り出そう!
Release Date2024-07-17

Release Date2025-06-01

Roguematch : The Extraplanar Invasion
Roguematch is a challenging fusion of a Turn based Dungeon Crawler with a Match 3 mechanic, all happening within the same grid based dungeon. Characters can move around and attack enemies physically, but they can also control mana pieces to match next to faraway enemies. You have to plan your moves well, since enemies move after you do. Walk, attack, cast a spell and match mana to clear the rooms before more enemies come after you. Every character has different powers, and can bring in a customised set of Match 3 special items each time. Combined with the castle layout shifting every run, over 100 types of randomly appearing treasure, and so many enemies from more than ten elemental planes, no run is going to be the same.
Release Date2024-08-31

Glyphica: Typing Survival
Release Date2024-09-30