Set in a dark and mysterious cyberpunk world, you are in charge of the futuristic food factory known as Neon Noodles. Inspired by the open-ended machine-building puzzle games of Zachtronics such as Opus Magnum and Infinifactory, you design and build your own fully automated kitchen to prepare meals using robot chefs. Guacamole, bibimbap, ramen, spaetzle, paella and many more recipes are waiting for you to be optimized.
- Automate your robot chefs through an intuitive record-and-replay system where you control the robot that creates the program, then edit it later if needed.
- Customize your cooking loops to be as simple, elaborate or streamlined as you want and compare your wits with other players around the world on the global leaderboards.
- Solve endlessly replayable open-ended puzzles with over 100 recipes from around the world consisting of 200 unique ingredients.
- Travel the world and master the art of cooking through technological advancement in a cyberpunk setting with plenty of brainwrecking levels.
- "Like Opus Magnum, the only thing stopping you from having the recipe being as wonky as a dropped omelette is your own sense of aesthetics." - Rock Paper Shotgun
- "Do you like Overcooked? Do you hate playing with other people? Do you wish you could replace them with little robots and code them to do the cooking for you?" - Today I Played
- "The controls and design are intuitive, and also immensely satisfying. Programming a robot to cook might not sound like thrilling gameplay, but trust me—get that little guy making sushi for you and you’ll be singing its praises, too." - Forbes