Family Continue


A two-member music unit. They have created a number of songs on the theme of retro games centering on the Famicom (NES). They have created a number of songs with the theme of retro games, mainly NES games, and of course their musicality, lyrics that reflect the content of the games as well as their musicality. The high quality of their lyrics, which reflect the content of the games, has made them popular among all generations. Translated with (free version) With “Chip Hop”, a completely original style of “chiptune x superb rap” that combines 8-bit sounds unique to retro games (pico pico sound) and the skillful NES rap of super talented artists, they produce a wide range of songs that transcend genres, industries, and manufacturers one after another. He has produced a wide range of songs that transcend the boundaries of genres, industries, and manufacturers. Translated with (free version) The unique combination of “real rapper x serious love of video games,” rather than the thought of a rap lover taking in a game, or a game lover rapping, has received tremendous praise from both core rap enthusiasts and core game enthusiasts alike. Although their distinctive appearance tends to attract attention, the songs produced by Family Continues have been attracting attention in recent years for the depth of their lyrics, as they seem to sing about events during gameplay and game content itself, but in fact “push listeners in the real world as well. In recent years, the depth of the lyrics has also been attracting attention.