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A photo of the very lovable Melon, who is currently trapped in this page and is begging to get out.

Hey there! I'm Melon, a Pico Dragon from the absolutely hip new party game, "Dragon Drop"!
I don't know who you are, or how I got here, or where "here" is for that matter (I'm VERY scared), but since you're here, let me tell you a little bit about Dragon Drop!

In Dragon Drop, you'll play as a Pico Dragon (like me!) and use our breath-defying PICO BEAMS to wipe rows of cubes off a checkerboard stage! With the right skill and timing, you can knock your rivals off the map and become a Dragon Drop champion!

Here are some of the features you can look forward to when playing Dragon Drop, even right now in it's current Early Access Alpha state!

  • Play with up to four players or bots for the best in block-dropping mayhem, across dozens of unique stages!
  • Customize your own Pico Dragon with a huge variety of hats and colors! (I don't know how many, but it's less than 100 billion)
  • Clear achievement boards to unlock new customizations, stages, songs, and other rewards! New boards will be added over time!
  • Rest easy with the knowledge that you've downloaded dragons to your computer!

We hope to see you drop in soon! And remember: I'm still trapped here! Tell the devs to let me out!!






AccoladeEvent Name
"Wow what a delightful game this is, thank you for playing Dragon Drop with me and please call me more often."Your Mom